1 To Zee


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Frequently Asked Questions

Please reach us at sec57@1tozee.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.

Is the daycare open on weekends?

The daycare is open six days a week, Monday to Saturday. It is closed on Sundays.

What is the age range of kids that you admit at the daycare?

We admit kids aged between 6 months to 6 years.

Do you offer a trial period for your daycare services?

Yes, we do. We understand that choosing the right daycare for your child is an important decision, which is why we offer a 3-day trial policy. This trial period is designed to ensure both you and your child feel comfortable and confident in our care.

We understand that parents may be a little anxious during the transition period and may want to accompany & be present with their child. However, it is important for the child to adjust to the new environment and staff in a new space, without the comfort of having their parents around. This helps foster independence and allows children to acclimate to their new surroundings at their own pace. Hence, we discourage parents to be present at the daycare beyond the first day of the trial.

Do you have a provision for early drop-in or late pick-up?

Our daycare timings of 8.30am-7.30pm have been arrived at after taking into consideration the usual office schedules of most parents and keeping sufficient buffer hours on both ends. We will not be able to accommodate early drop-in or late pick-up beyond these stated hours.

When does the fee have to be paid?

One month's advance payment has to be paid after the 3 day trial period. The fee calculation will be from the first day of the trial onwards. Subsequently, the fee shall be payable in advance between the 1st to 7th of each calendar month.

Do you serve hot, fresh meals at the daycare?

Meals are served to all kids at the daycare as per an exciting menu that changes from time to time. We firmly believe that adequate and appropriate nutrition is vital to the health, development and growth of a child. Keeping the same in view, we do not serve any processed or junk food at the daycare.

Will there be learning activities at the daycare?

We aim at overall development of the children, through exciting, interactive activities that keep them engaged and are good for their growth.. The children will be exposed to numerous activities to enhance their cognitive skills, sensory skills, communication skills, motor skills, emotional intelligence and knowledge.

Will I get live camera access to the happenings at the daycare?

The daycare center is under CCTV surveillance at all times and the live footage shall be made available to you at an additional cost so that you can be sure of your child’s safety.

Is there any relaxation in the fee if the daycare is shut due to Covid cases or lockdowns?

If the daycare has to be temporarily closed due to COVID outbreak or lockdowns, you will not be billed for as many days as the centre remains closed and your fee payments shall be carried forward & adjusted accordingly.

What happens if I have a month's fee paid in advance, but wish to withdraw my child from the daycare at any point?

If at any time you feel the need to withdraw your child’s enrolment from the daycare, you shall intimate the centre supervisor 7 days in advance. In such a scenario, you will be refunded the fee for as many days as will be left in that month from the date of withdrawal, calculated on a pro-rata basis. However, the GST component of the fee shall be non-refundable.

Is there a pause policy whereby I can temporarily choose not to send my child to the daycare?

Yes, you may avail of a pause in the program for a maximum number of 15 days at one go. Please note that there needs to be a minimum gap of 3 months between two successive pause periods.

Is the coworking facility open to all?

We have limited coworking seats in our premises that are open only to parents whose children are enrolled in the daycare and to our own employees.
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