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Practising Sustainable Living Options At Home

What is a better new year resolution than upgrading your entire lifestyle to a sustainable one? Once you understand how your life choices impact the environment around you, your aspirations related to food, travel, fashion and housing are bound to change for the better. Sustainable living is all about making better choices for the planet as well as its people. In other words, in a society with limited resources and the prospect of global habitat loss and climate change, your personal choices can jeopardise the environment if immediate action is not undertaken.

There are several things you can do to make a difference in the world. While you may buy less, you can also easily switch to sustainable brands for all of your daily necessities. However, the opportunity to practise sustainable living extends well beyond scrutinising product labels and shopping venues. In truth, it is every small decision you make in your daily life, and we are here to help you in finding the sustainable living solutions that are ideal for you.

Continue reading to learn more about the simple and effective ways you can dine, drink, buy, and travel more sustainably in the near future.

8 Simple Ways to Practise Sustainability At Home

1. Save Water And Energy

Many sections of the world have everyday access to clean water, but that does not mean it should be squandered. Simple acts such as keeping track of how long one showers and brushing one’s teeth with a glass of water rather than leaving the tap running are minor steps toward water management. Reusing unsalted cooking water to water plants encourages sustainable living as the plants also benefit from the added nutrients.

Similarly saving energy is as simple as turning off the light/fan in an empty room and unplugging the gadgets after charging. Furthermore, replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs is an ideal substitute since they last longer, use less energy, and are less expensive. Another tip is to keep doors and windows open during the day to allow for cross ventilation rather than relying on AC. Incorporating air-purifying plants reduces the cost and power consumption of residential air purifiers. These modest changes not only make the house more eco-friendly but also adds a more refreshing vibe.

2. Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose

Plastic never goes away. Because it is not biodegradable, it ends up in landfills unless reused by a brand dedicated to sustainability. As a result, you should focus your efforts on decreasing plastic waste by utilising reusable bags and avoiding plastic-based products.

Sustainable living does not require replacing non-eco-friendly products with eco-friendly ones, but rather making the optimum use of what you already have. To mention a few choices, this includes donating clothing, upcycling old furniture, trading books, constructing décor pieces out of jars and containers, and shopping for used goods.

Only buy what you absolutely need and invest in materials created locally. Start off by browsing thrift and neighbourhood stores.

3. Manage Kitchen Waste 

Purchase only what will end up in the stomach; it will also help financial savings as well. For those who enjoy gardening, instead of throwing food scraps in the garbage, start composting and use the leftovers to feed the plants. One can make a composter at home for a low cost and with minimal effort. Look for a composter that takes up little space and is easy to use. Composting the leftover fruits and vegetables helps the soil retain moisture, reducing water runoff and freeing up landfill space for items that cannot be recycled.

4. Make Transportation Adjustments

Avoid driving as much as possible, especially for short distances. It will help to reduce carbon emissions and thereby save the environment. If you live in a walkable city, you have the option of driving an electric car, biking, running, or strolling. It is a terrific way to get some exercise while simultaneously lowering your dependency on gasoline-powered automobiles.

Consider carpooling if you are unable to walk or utilise public transit. Instead of riding privately, volunteer to drive coworkers and friends. Alternatively, get a ride whenever feasible. Small, consistent actions add up in the long run.

5. Choose Sustainable Billing Options

Sort through your bills and try to reduce your reliance on paper as much as possible. Encourage any businesses you work with to go paperless if they have not already. Billing statements may be automatically sent to you, making them more accessible, organised, and secure. E-billing makes your life easier and is healthier for the environment.

6. Support Local Shops To Prevent Shipping

When you purchase locally, you benefit small businesses while also helping to offset unnecessary environmental shipping expenses. Purchasing regionally also helps small companies stay open and continue to employ locals.

You are not only supporting your local economy, but you are also voting against a planet that is almost suffocating on shipping emissions. If you buy online, support ethical retailers.

7. Reduce Your Meat Consumption, Go The Local And Seasonal Way

Non-vegetarians may find it difficult to accept, but foregoing meat and transitioning to a plant-based diet is one of the simplest ways to lower the overall carbon footprint. There are various advantages to eating locally sourced, seasonal food. Choosing seasonal fruits and vegetables promotes the local economy, eliminates the usage of long carbon-intensive supply chains required to transport out-of-season food, and, last but not least, seasonal fruits and vegetables are rich in flavour with other health benefits.

8. Make The Switch To Eco-friendly Goods 

Cleaning products, standard toilet paper, shampoo bottles, toothbrushes, and sanitary products are just a few examples of everyday items that are not good for the environment. When buying these products, prioritise ones that have been sourced responsibly and ethically, have sustainable or eco-friendly packaging, and avoid any harsh or damaging ingredients or microplastics. Fortunately, there are many eco-friendly alternatives available today; all it takes is a little research before you buy. 

Just Get Started 

On the journey of satisfying your own needs, sustainability does not allow you to compromise future generations’ capacity to accomplish their own. Personal habits may make a difference, whether someone is zero waste or just getting started. Whether you start your journey by making your home eco-friendly or segregating garbage before disposal, you are participating in a better future.

If you really want to promote sustainability in your community and in your life, ask your local grocer for more of the products you want but can not find, such as sustainably managed fisheries, reasonable trade spices, and zero-waste products. Initiate the change you want to see by starting a conversation and prioritising spending on products and brands committed to sustainability, ethics, and environmental well-being.

Written By Anika Saha






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